Dedicating a book seemed simple to me at first. I thought of my elementary school friend, Karen, who co-wrote countless tales with me from 5th grade on, the historical figures who've inspired my stories, and especially my adorable and supportive husband, Timm, without whose support, I wouldn't be doing this.
Stephen King said a writer who dedicates a book to a spouse has a spouse who "gets it." Timm may not have a handle on the intricacies of the publishing world but he definitely gets it. :-) (not to mention his invaluable help in the research and development department.)
I was touched that I could dedicate my 2009 CAPA Nominee, Bought and Paid For, to my feisty romance reading granny who learned I'd dedicated the book to her a few days before she passed away last year.
I've dedicated a book to my forum family, The Black Sheep. I've dedicated books to friends who've helped me with story ideas and research - Heath Mathews, one of my best friends and a cracker-jack military historian, and Elissa and Amy who helped me tremendously with my Wiccan heroine in Watchkeeper.
I'm even one of those lucky writers who has a dedication worthy editor, or two, or three. The help and support of an editor who understands and believes in what you're doing, will really make your stories shine.
And there are those friends who have dedications to come! (I've just been waiting for the perfect book for you, Stormy. How about Rebel Rose? Crossing my fingers here for a contract, soon.)
At first, I thought dedicating a book would be easy. It's not.
Who inspires you? To whom would you (or have you) dedicate(d) a book?
I've only had the chance to dedicate one, but sometimes its not for any big act or on-going assistance someone provided. I chose a person who just pointed me in the direction of RWA. I hadn't even known it existed. If she hadn't told me about the local chapter meetings, my life might be very different right now. Sometimes a single pivot point makes all the difference.
I'm lucky to be in a wonderful RWA chapter, Heart of Dixie. I plan to join Southern Magic this year as well. The support and knowledge I've gained from my chapter is invaluable.
I've dedicated to my husband, my family as a whole, and countless friends who have inspired or encouraged me. I've also dedicated to my editor. Sometimes I just forget to add a dedication. Hmm. Thinking maybe I should keep a list so I don't draw a blank when dedicating time comes around. :-)
I really think about each dedication and like you said Debra, sometimes it's hard to choose. I've dedicated books to the hubster, my sister and some dear writing friends. My favorite dedication was to a firefighter who answered an author's most trivial questions. The man was amazingly patient. It seems there's always someone who stands out with each book I write. Let's hope that's always the case.
I started out dedicating books to my editor as well as family and friends for their support, but as research branched out, dedications included people who had let me in to their private spots like Spa Excesss, the largest gay spa inn Toronto, and Bent Inn, a gay, bondage bed and breakfast in Toronto. I like to acknowledge people who've helped me find out things I couldn't find out without their help. That's pretty typical, I suppose.
I dedicated my first to the city which inspired the story and the man who “gets it.” Gets working on a dream, gets taking risks, and gives me plenty of ideas and inspiration by being simply irresistible.
Fingers crossed I get to salute the women in my life in future dedications; friends who know me in and out and still manage to put up with and believe in me. Can’t buy love and respect like that, and for that I hope to thank them in writing one day.
I've dedicated my latest to the RNA, the UK's version of the RWA. It's a small, friendly organisation full of people who drink wine, compliment my shoes, and give me so much support.
I've dedicated to friends who read my unpublished MSS and badgered me into publishing them.
And I dedicated a Christmas short to the best present I'd ever had. Unfortunately they were cats, so they didn't really care.
Many of my dedications go to my husband and others go to certain friends and/or critique partners who are incredibly supportive.
You're right that dedications can be tricky, especially for erotic romance. I've dedicated books to my husband, my RWA chapter pals, and my sister. I use the acknowledgements page for listing those people who have helped my career along the way.
Big congrats on your success!
Oh my gosh! I am so completely honored! I was hooked on your books from page one of the first one I read...Gatekeeper. Your strong passionate characters and creative, original storylines never fail to draw me in. More than once I've caught myself being drawn into a story and suddenly realize "Hey, I actually know this author!" "I can call her and discuss character developments and story inspirations. We can even talk over lunch if it's convenient." Deb, you are more than just a favorite author, you are my friend. Thank you for that and thank you for the upcoming dedication.
Thanks for the comments, scribes!
And Stormy, awwww! Thanks, girlfriend!
I love this blog, Debra. When I find writing difficult, I think of those who deserve a dedication and it keeps me writing. That probably sounds stupid but it's sometimes true. I can't wait to dedicate my first book to my mom, who gave me my first romance book and is one of the most avid readers of romance I know. I will dedicate my second book and so many more to my husband, David. He keeps me going when I want to quit (as if I could) and is my strongest support in the writing dream. He is also the first reader of my books and helps me with editing when I can no longer see the book because I'm too close to the work.
I can't wait for the day!
I've dedicated to family, friends, co-workers, my agent, my various editors and even my cat! With my wide circle of friends, I have a lot of people to cover. :)
Yay for the cat! I can foresee dedicating a book to my diabolical kitty, too.
I always worry I'll forget someone and then end up saying "all my friends and family, etc" because that way, everyone is included. If particular people have helped out in some way with a certain project, though, I do try to mention them individually. It's just a small way of saying thanks for all the wonderful folks in my life. Great post, Debra!
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